Counselors are the face of LRCC’s summer program. They spend each week directly interacting with campers, whether it be at El Camino Pines, the Luther Glen Farm, at a Day Camp or on the beach. Counselors spend two weeks in training. If you love working with kids, being a counselor could be right for you! Applicants must be at least 18 years old, or completed our Staff in Training program to be on the counseling staff.
Questions? - Contact:
Our summer camp programs are led by our best and most experienced staff. If you have been a counselor for at least two summers, are 21 years or older and want to serve LRCC in a different capacity, consider applying for Leadership Staff.
Contact if you are interested in Leadership Staff
For those SIT alumni who are still under 18, being a Junior Counselor/Support Staff is your opportunity to serve at camp! Building on the counseling skills you learned as an SIT, you may be partnered with a counselor, be a part of the
Support Staff team, or participate in Day Camps.
Questions? - Contact:
Without Support Staff, LRCC’s summer program wouldn’t run! We depend on individuals that love behind the scenes work washing dishes, splitting firewood and other maintenance work. Previous experience or skills aren’t necessary, but servant hearts are! Support Staff may be placed with a cabin group if extra staffing is needed.
Questions? - Contact:
Interested in agriculture and farm life? Looking for a paid summer internship and maybe even some college credit? Each summer LRCC hosts 1-3 Farm Interns to help with our summer growing seasons. Interns work and live on site, growing food, feeding animals and giving tours to campers and guests.
For more info contact
The Staff In training program is an exciting, immersive camp leadership program for youth ages 16 and 17. SITs learn the ins and outs of working at camp. They gain the skills to facilitate Bible study, lead worship and engage campers of all ages with games, songs and activities. The program is designed for youth who want to develop as leaders, like working with children and want to work at camp in the future.
In all our programs, activities and events, LRCC is committed to providing safe and inclusive environments that reflect the lessons Jesus taught us: “Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another” (John 13:34). LRCC values diversity, opposes discrimination and promotes equal opportunity for all people, regardless of age, abilities, race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, or others who are often marginalized. We strive to ensure that all guests and staff are valued as unique individuals and can reach their full potential by living and working in a community of inclusion and mutual respect.
LRCC is where I truly understood how to live out my faith daily. Serving at camp helped me strengthen my public speaking skills, leadership, and conflict resolution, as well as how to build and be a part of meaningful community. The memories and friendships created during my time at LRCC continue to be some of my favorite. I am grateful for the ministry of LRCC and for all of the ways it has impacted me personally, and in my career as a non-profit professional."
-Carlee Wood, Summer Staff 2015-2017 & former Director of Development & Marketing at Flathead Lutheran Bible Camp
Going from camper, to sit, to counselor, camp has allowed me the opportunity to grow through the action of helping youth and kids. On the spiritual sense camp has always been a beacon that has allowed me to feel the beauty of creation and the importance of caring for our planet."
-Maury Zarate, SIT 2016 & Summer Staff 2017-2021
I met amazing people and made lasting relationships. There is a true happiness you find while working to serve others with loved ones."
-Freya Hendrickson, Summer Staff 2021-2023
but some highlights were thus: In the welcoming and supportive environment at LRCC, I learned to be confident in myself and in caring for others, campers and adults alike.
I learned how to really be myself and my identity as a beloved child of God with my siblings in Christ, brought together as God's family at camp. Camp taught me to put myself out there, be a silly-"undignified"- jokester singing loud and doing all the hand motions in one moment and then turn around and be a leader in faith the next, talking together about deeply meaningful questions and concepts in life and faith.
All of this led me to roll with what life brings you, keeping calm in emergencies, stepping up to help those in need in ways I never would have previously imagined, making life long friendships and genuine connections. And it led me to hear and answer the call to my vocation as a Pastor (serving a church just 45 minutes away from Luther Glen). God works in mysterious ways and I can't describe how much it means to me that one of those ways led to LRCC and the camp family.
I don't think I will be alone in saying that still after more than a decade after starting work at camp, I think about the experiences, lessons, and people there practically every week of my life. I wish everyone who I had the honor to work with and serve, along with everyone there and each new generation of campers and counselors the best and encourage you to soak it all in, it will change your life!
-Pastor John Barton, Camper '05-'08, SIT '09, Counselor '10-'13
it doesn't matter if its a serious moment or a silly one, they're all meaningful in one way or another"
-Gabby Ortiz, Summer Staff 2021-2023
Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences is an equal opportunity employer. Lutheran Retreats, Camps and Conferences does not discriminate against guests or staff on the basis of ethnic or racial identity, national origin, gender identity, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family status.
Lutheran Retreats, Camps & Conferences
Administrative Office: 39136 Harris Road, Oak Glen, CA 92399